Auchindrain Receives Grant for Bodice Conservation

We’re delighted to announce that we have been awarded a remedial conservation grant from the Association of Independent Museums and the Pilgrim Trust, which will allow us to conserve the bodice that was recently found within the attic of Eddie’s House.


Our bodice has made its way to Tuula Pardoe ACR at the Scottish Conservation Studio, who will be undertaking the work for us. After a deep clean, the conservation plan is to use patches of dyed plain-weave silk to provide support to the largest holes, and to cover unstable areas of lining with dyed conservation grade nylon net. The treatment is not intended to make it look like it’s new or very clean, but instead to stabilise it and prevent further decay. Given that the bodice was found within Eddie’s attic, either deliberately or accidentally left there, we want to acknowledge the years it spent hidden, as well as it’s time as a wearable garment.


We’ll keep you updated with the conservation here and to see where the bodice was found, visit our youtube channel.