Join Us
Since 1964, Auchindrain has been cared for and operated as an an independent museum by Urras Achadh an Droighinn/The Auchindrain Trust, Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation number SC015528. The Trust receives and gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Scottish Government through Historic Environment Scotland.
If you like what we do, please support our work by becoming a member of the Trust: a Friend of Auchindrain. The Trust’s members have oversight of the museum’s strategic direction and elect a majority of the Trustees. Friends receive newsletters, and are entitled to visit Auchindrain as many times as they wish during a year for a one-off payment of £1 for adults and 50p for concessions and children under 18.
Membership is normally granted to all those who make a donation to the Trust of not less than £25 a year, or £10 in the case of senior citizens living alone, (although many Friends donate significantly more than this). The donations generously made by Friends represent a significant and essential part of the Trust’s annual income, and thus have an important role to play in the long-term survival and well being of Auchindrain. Some Friends also take an active role in the museum’s work as volunteers, assisting with fund raising, aspects of the museum’s administration or the management of particular projects. If this is something you could maybe do, please contact the Director at for an initial informal discussion.
To make a donation and apply for membership as a Friend of Auchindrain, please click here to download a form. You can, alternatively, email us at, or write to us by post. If you are already a Friend and wish to make another donation to renew your membership, please click here, or again email or write as above.